Stahl- und Drahtwerk Roeslau

New guidelines regarding respect for human rights and  working conditions in-side our website

SDW/RW is committed to respecting human rights and taking responsibility for their value chain. We implement applicable law, respect internationally recognized human rights and ensure that human rights violations are prevented in the course of our business activities.

Read the full text >>>

Integrated labour, health, energy and environmental policy

Stahl- und Drahtwerk Roeslau

Sustainable and socially acceptable action ensures the future of our company

Founded in 1882 Stahl- und Drahtwerk Röslau (incl. the subsidiary Roeslau Wire GmbH) is now an international supplier of high-tensile, patented and oil-tempered spring steel wires, musical strings as well as associated services.

As a global acting company we are ambitioned, to combine economic success with responsible action towards human beings, the environment and society. We are aware of our responsibility towards global and long-term challenges such as demographic change, climatic change and the limited availability of resources.

With the goal of sustainable corporate development we harmonize economical, ecological and social requirements and face up to our social responsibility by adhering to our compliance-guidelines. We offer our clients reliable, high-quality and environmentally safe products, which are manufactured in compliance with applicable health and safety regulations. We are working on the continuous improvement of the measures, contributing to strengthen our social and ecological commitment. To this, we use internationally approved management systems and provide the necessary information and resources to achieve our goals.

Our principles of action

  • Social and ecological actions are central company goals.
  • Work-, health-, energy- und environmental protection are part of each managerial responsibility.
  • Providing safe and healthy workplaces and working conditions to prevent workrelated injuries and illness.
  • Continuous improvement of work-, health-, energy and environmental protection measures as well as management system.
  • Reducing the environmental impact of our products and processes within the framework of economic and technical feasibility.
  • Efficient application of environment resources and energy.
  • Avoid of waste before separation of waste and waste disposal.
  • Compliance with all binding obligations regarding work, health, energy and environmental protection (legal and other requirements).
    Applicable national standards are our minimum requirements.
  • Creation and promotion of mutual trust through dialogue with all interest groups involved, internally in particular with our employees and their representatives.


For further support, please contact us ...

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach us Mo. - Thurs. 8.00 A.M. - 3.45 P.M. and Fr. 8.00 A.M. - 12.00

We are at hand for you

+49 (0) 92 38 / 809-0

+49 (0) 92 38 / 809-10

send E-Mail

Stahl- und Drahtwerk Röslau GmbH

High level products, elaborate manufacturing techniques and content customers all over the world – this is what the Stahl- and Drahtwerk Röslau GmbH has represented since its foundation by the Bongardt brothers from Hohenlimburg/Westphalia in the year 1882.






Stahl- und Drahtwerk
Röslau GmbH

Hofer Straße 16/17
D-95195 Röslau
Phone: +49 (0) 9238 / 809-0
Fax: +49 (0) 9238 / 809-10

